Nokia Driver

Official Nokia Mobile Driver for Windows

How to remove or uninstall Nokia Phone F USB Driver

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These are instructions on how to remove or uninstall Nokia Phone F USB Driver from the Windows Computer (you can use this method on the computer running on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows 11).

Note: The following method will help you remove or uninstall Nokia Phone F USB Driver from the Windows Computer. If you have manually installed the Nokia Phone F USB Driver through the device manager, you should prefer uninstalling from there only.

Steps to Remove or Uninstall Nokia Phone F USB Driver

  1. Open Programs and Features Window on the computer. To Open Programs and Features Window: Press Windows + R key and type appwiz.cpl and click on the OK button.
  2. Run Window Appwiz
  3. Under Programs and Features Window, Locate the Nokia Phone F USB Driver from the List and Click on the Uninstall button to Start the Removal process.
  4. Nokia Phone F USB Driver Uninstall
  5. Now, Nokia Phone F USB Driver will be uninstalled from the computer. This process may take a few seconds to complete. Once the Removal process is completed, Click on the Close button.
  6. Nokia Phone F USB Driver Removed

    Congratulations! Now restart the computer. Once the computer is restarted, all the associated registry entries will be removed or deleted from the computer.

Readme Once:

[*] Download Latest Nokia Phone F USB Driver: If you are looking for the latest Nokia Phone F USB Driver, then head over to our Download page.

[*] Nokia Driver for Specific Model: If you are looking for the Nokia Driver for any Specific model, then head over to our Devices page.

[*] Nokia Firmware: If you are looking for the official Nokia Stock Firmware, then head over to the Nokia Firmware page.

[*] Install Nokia Phone F USB Driver: If you want to learn to install the Nokia Phone F USB Driver, then head over to How-to install Nokia Phone F USB Driver page. is not affiliated or endorsed by Nokia Mobile (HMD) Communication Co.,Ltd | Hosted on Hostinger, CDN by BunnyCDN

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